Pick Up Soda Springs, Settle In, Love the Characters, Experience "Soda Springs"... then Ask More Questions

by Carey
(Superior, CO)

Grab a cup of warm something, find a comfy chair, and settle into “Soda Springs.” Rick, Ginny Sue, Concha, Lupe, Buck Bennett, and other great characters will come into your life, stay awhile, and then surreptitiously lead you to events that will change your thinking…forever.

Rick, a young farm boy has been away in college back east for three years and ‘is called home’ when his father is hurt in a farming accident and can’t work. Rick reluctantly travels home. His curious nature and studies in the college classroom lead him home by way of Birmingham, Alabama. He sees first-hand the issues in the South circa 1963 then arrives to his hometown of Soda Springs.

Rick begins to see the values of his conservative, ‘white’ upbringing challenged in a very real way. We are able to feel the emotions of discrimination, anger, sadness, but also the celebrations and victories of another oppressed people at a time when we thought 'it' (the ugliness of discrimination) was only happening in the South.

We will ask ourselves many questions as we close the book to “Soda Springs.” One of our biggest questions might be: have times, attitudes, prejudices really changed much over the past half century?

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